my styling work

neděle 30. prosince 2012

first winter collection of the concrete pots

This is our collection of one month work. Three time per week we worked together and this is the result.

during the process

"Kimura style", 120 cm, work for client

Rock for cascade pinus sylvestris, 80 cm high

60 cm

from the other side

bunjin pot 60 cm

another binjin pot 60 cm

bunjin pyramida

our team

Master and his work

pátek 28. prosince 2012 Akira workshop

Its very nice to spent the winter time with all my friends, work on trees and be happy !

result of the first tree, freestyle pinus

result with the Larch, just the very first styling

neděle 16. prosince 2012

Small demo in Teahause

On the 5. 12. we did the small demo for a few people in the Teahause in Česká Lípa. My friend Pavel gave me his tree, which he plant from seed. Its a 22 yars old Pinus Banksiana. Unfortunately I havent the final foto from this work... It was nice evening.